Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to paint suede shoes, an easy shoe Refashion

How to paint suede shoes, an easy shoe Refashion

Shoe refashion
Well...this is my before and after photo, they look even worse than I remember! These Sued flats were in serious need of a shoe redo!  A little fun fact about me, shoes was my first word.  So as you can imagine these old nine west's needed a face lift!  
I had some suede leather shoes and suede is fun to paint!
Step 1
Paint the shoes, let dry (fabric, acrylic or spray paint will all work, test a section on your specific fabric)
*Tip When painting suede, I have learned that it works best if you use a small amount of paint and work it into the leather.  Instead of "on top" of the leather.
Step 2
Add shine with Gloss Mod Podge to the trim and let that dry.
 I painted the shoes then after they dry I added a thick layer of Mod Podge

TA-DASo what do you think of my easy peasy how to paint refashion?
This is a nice simple easy shoe refashion.  I like it... I wanted to LOVE it
You could stop here and be done. I seriously considered it. So you can do that if you want, but I wanted to show you how with a few more easy steps you can take this easy shoe redo one step further.  

Ready? Alright part two of the easy shoe refashion

Step 3
Make an embeliment for your updated shoes.
I think the picture shows how best but I will try and describe how to make the easy shoe embellishment.

Use a long head pin, load it up with ribbon. (I used this double ruffled ribbon) When you work your way half way through, loading the headpin(in a sewing fashion) add a button.  Then continue to load the ribbon on to the head pin.

When your all done cut the Ribbon. form a circle out of your ribbon, fold the wire as shown in the photo and attach to the shoe as shown in the photo!

And your done! TA-DA then you have a pair of flats that can be worn two different ways.

This is how the flats will look with the embellishment attached, but if you want to go more simple...

Then you can just pull of the ribbon!Go simple. So this is like two new shoes in one!

So what do you think? I love this refashion, I think it worked out so good! Even my boyfriend liked them, well he didn't say that.  I could tell because he usually says "that looks good too" or "both ways are fine, I don't CARE!" when I ask him about my refashions.  But when he saw these (I didn't even ask) But today he asked, "How did you paint those?" "Is that going to be your post today?" "I never even knew that they made fabric paint!"

So if baby daddy is excited about the refashion, then well you should be too.  ;)  I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial about how to paint suede shoes and refashion them into something fabulous.

Please let me know your thought.



  1. Hi Brooke From SITS girls! I love this! I do something similar but more kid focused. Please follow back!! thanks
    Ps. if you are interested in doing a guest post on my blog email me

    1. Thank you Brook! I am your new follower. I am glad you checked out my blog today.

  2. THese are amazing and my favorite I have to say are your baby's feet. I want to bite them they look so good! I hope I didn't scare you, but I loves me some chubby baby toes. We called my son, Jake the Michelin Man because he had so many rolls.

    I like the idea that you can change up the shoe just by adding the flower. I am going to do this because I attired of looking for black flats! i'll see flats that i love but I need black. You have solved my issue!!! Thank YOU for inspiring ME!

    1. Thank you so much Kim. I was holding the baby the whole time we did the photos, so I put the babys toes down for a few.

      I think I am going to make more flowers in different colors for them. Thank you for the lovely comment :)

  3. Love the shoes. Great transformation.

    1. Thank you so much for looking at my blog today. I am glad you enjoyd the tutorial

  4. Hi Kasey, I'm coming over from Kim's (who's one of my favorite bloggers!).
    I really liked the idea of painting the shoes. In fact I find the idea genius! And since you're a new DIY blogger, I'm now following you as well!
    Cant wait to see how your blog grows!
    Love, Olga

    1. Thank you so much Olga! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kim's blog! Thank you so much for the follow, being new girl on the block can be hard. Thank you again.

      I am going to check you out!

  5. Brilliant and visiting from SITS!
    Recreate and Decorate

  6. Hi! I found you at Reposhture and am your newest follower-I'm a newbie too and would love you to visit and say hello! Your shoe 're-do' is amazing-so clever! And your baby's feet are the cutest things EVER :)

  7. Very cute. Might go through sister's closet to try out. Ssshh!
    Found you on SITS forum.

  8. I LOVE this! I will definitely refer to this when I get tired of my flats. I have a few pairs and I love love love shoes. I'm not a super arts and crafts-able person but this seems easy enough.

    Found you on the SITS forum :-)

  9. Hi Kasey,

    I'm stopping over from SITS! I LOVE all of your DIY tutorial! You are very talented! I just became your newest follower and would love for you to check out my blog too!


  10. I'm NOT stopping from SITS, but I am a member too! LOL I'm looking at making a motorcycle vest. I want to pain the suede pants I thrifted, but this is going to be a LOT of work if it doesn't work. Plus I'll mess up a good leather shirt. Can you tell me if this is waterproof???? That is my biggest worry.

  11. Genius you are..! I was searching for how to save a fav pair of ballet suede shoes and you definitely gave me some great inspiration!
    Best, Zia
    Ps: I would love if you could check out my blog too:)
    Keep in touch! Have a great week ahead...XXO

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